The Lauric Acid Debate: Is it a LCFA or MCFA? Is it Good for you, or Bad for you?

The Lauric Acid Debate: Is it a LCFA or MCFA? Is it Good for you, or Bad for you?

Lauric acid is the most abundant medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) in virgin coconut oil. It's a powerful "super ingredient" that provides a wide range of health benefits for pets. But despite the fac...
How MCFAs Train the Immune System

How MCFAs Train the Immune System

Discover the science behind the immune-boosting properties of MCFAs and learn how virgin coconut oil can help boost the immune system in people and pets.
8 Common Warning Signs Your Pet Is in Pain

8 Common Warning Signs Your Pet Is in Pain

September is Animal Pain Awareness Month. Oftentimes, pet owners aren't aware that their pet is in pain and realize it only when the animal's illness has progressed. Let's show our support for Anim...
How to Groom Your Pet at Home

How to Groom Your Pet at Home

With many grooming salons around the country still closed due to COVID-19, it can be challenging to keep on top of your pet's grooming routine. Learn our top tips for grooming your pet at home.
Supporting Dogs with Seizures with Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil

Supporting Dogs with Seizures with Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil

Do you have a dog who suffers seizures? See how MCT oil might be able to help. Learn about this exciting new research and why CocoTherapy TriPlex MCT-3 Oil is highly beneficial for dogs with seizur...
Are You Ready for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Not so Fast: You May Already Be Immune

Are You Ready for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Not so Fast: You May Already Be Immune

Recent research shows that 60-80 percent of us already have antibodies that could protect us from COVID-19. Previous exposure to coronaviruses responsible for the common cold allows your immune sys...
How to Choose the Right Veterinarian for Your Pet

How to Choose the Right Veterinarian for Your Pet

Choosing the right veterinarian for your pet is an important decision, and there are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration. Learn about our top tips to help you choose the rig...
Top 5 Healthy Supplements for Dogs & Cats

Top 5 Healthy Supplements for Dogs & Cats

Feeding a species-appropriate diet and providing regular exercise are two of the most important things you can do to keep your dog and cat happy and healthy. Your pet might also need extra support ...
Can Dogs With Cushing's Disease Take Coconut Oil?

Can Dogs With Cushing's Disease Take Coconut Oil?

Cushing's disease (also known as hypercortisolism or hyperadrenocorticism) is a thyroid disorder that's most common in middle-aged and senior dogs. Let's look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment...