Can Pets Eat Turkey? A Complete Guide

Can Pets Eat Turkey? A Complete Guide

With the holidays quickly approaching, many of us will be enjoying a delicious festive meal. But before you slip your pet a slice of turkey, learn which parts are safe to feed your pets.
5 Ways to Mentally Stimulate an Older Dog

5 Ways to Mentally Stimulate an Older Dog

Just as humans can develop cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's disease as they age, your senior dog can also experience a decline in mental function.
7 Fall Pet Hazards You Might Not Know About

7 Fall Pet Hazards You Might Not Know About

With the leaves starting to change and the weather cooling, fall is officially in the air. Learn about 7 fall pet hazards and how to keep your pet safe.
5 Ways to Relieve a Stressed Dog

5 Ways to Relieve a Stressed Dog

Just like humans, dogs can experience stress. It's important to find the cause of your dog's stress so you can help them live a happier life.
Coconut Oil Myths and Facts

Coconut Oil Myths and Facts

Coconut oil is one of the most popular natural health products on the market today. But like any other product, it has its share of myths and misconceptions.
A Beginner's Guide to Raw Diets for Pets

A Beginner's Guide to Raw Diets for Pets

August is Rawgust, a month-long celebration of all things raw! Raw diets are becoming more and more popular for pets, but plenty of myths and misconceptions still surround them.
Why Coconut Oil Is So Effective for Cuts, Scrapes, and Wounds

Why Coconut Oil Is So Effective for Cuts, Scrapes, and Wounds

If you're like most people, you have a tube of antibiotic cream in your medicine cabinet to treat cuts, scrapes, and wounds. But what if there was an all-natural alternative that worked just as wel...
5 Common Summer Pet Emergencies (And How to Avoid Them)

5 Common Summer Pet Emergencies (And How to Avoid Them)

The dog days of summer are here, and that means fun outdoor activities with our dogs! However, with increased summer activities, come a whole new set of risks for our pets.
Water Safety for Dogs: How to Keep Your Pup Safe When They're Swimming (in pools, beach, lakes or rivers)

Water Safety for Dogs: How to Keep Your Pup Safe When They're Swimming (in pools, beach, lakes or rivers)

Summer is a fantastic time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather with your pup! It's important to remember that water can be dangerous for dogs if you fail to take the proper precautions.