Your products have helped my giant Yorkie Coconut tremendously!

Thank you so much for all the information you provide. Your products have helped my giant Yorkie Coconut tremendously! Please keep making these products!
This stuff is wonderful! Reading Your products have helped my giant Yorkie Coconut tremendously! 1 minute Next The treats are the best

Thank you so much for all the information you provide. Your products have helped my giant Yorkie Coconut tremendously! Please keep making these products!

She turns 7 this week and CocoTherapy are the only treats she can have with all of her ailments. She has inflammatory intestinal disease and food allergies and is on a grain free diet. Had liver shunt surgery. Has hip dysphasia, allergies, asthma. She has only been having your treats for years, so happy I discovered you as she is on a strict diet and these treats are part of it!

Thank you, keep producing these amazing products!!
